Thursday, August 7, 2008

I gotta job...oh yeah!

Well, I didn't get the office job I was wanting. :( But I did get the salon job!! Woo hoo. Still part time, which is totally ok with me! I will however still be looking for another good office job so that I can actually support myself without worry every month if I'm going to make bills.

This past weekend I helped my sister move into her wonderful apartment. It was quite exhausting if I do say so, but not bad. We painted this amour thing on Sunday... come to find out its still not dry and peeling. UHHH!!! That thing took for ever and now its not even drying. What to do. I think we will probably end up spray painting it, which actually shouldn't take as long as painting it with a brush. Let me remind you, it took 10 1/2 hours to paint, and it's freaking peeling. WONDERFUL ! Oh well. (stupid amour)

Chuck's aunt and her husband are coming into town tomorrow from St. Louis so I will be busy the next few days. I'm really excited that they are coming. I love his family. They're actually normal, unlike mine. Lol. We will probably go to the fair a couple days which will be nice since the weather isn't supposed to be too hot. Thank goodness.

Oh yeah, my friend Ashlee is having a girl!!! Her name is Aubree. I can't wait to spoil her. She is going to be amazing, I am sure. And my cousin is having a boy! She thinks she might name him Carter, not for sure yet though. But yeah for babies! I can't wait to meet them both.

Well, that is it for now. Time for bed. More soon.
Much love,