Friday, October 10, 2008


The things I have learned in the past 6 months....

When you hit rock bottom you have to climb out fast!

That things don't always work out for the best.
Your friends and family are the only things that matter in life.
Wake up everyday knowing that it's a new day!
Things always happen for a reason.
Put your trust, your life, your everything in God.
Love those around you!
The only people you need in your life are the ones that are genuine.
Everything will be ok.
Smile, Laugh, Love, Play, Live.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Future Mommy

I have a confession to make. After the past 2 days of shopping...ALOT I ended up buying a lot of baby stuff. Don't worry, I am not prego. However everyone around me is, or already has a child. (My bestfriends) HMMM...well after picking out some really cute Juicy Couture Baby outfits (clearance), I am kinda jealous. I want a baby.
I just think that a baby is the most amazing gift anyone can be given. And I feel out of the circle because I don't have one. My word, Meg, Ashlee, Mindy, Ashley S, and Ashley E, all have babies. Well Ashlee's and Ashley S' is on the way...but still.
I guess I didn't drink the water at the right time. I just know that I will be a great mom and I can't wait.
I have learned a lot by just watching these mommies. I am in aw at how much someone can truely care for another human being. So much that one has written a song...(which me and sister cried listening to)
IDK people, I just love kids so much that I want to spoil my own. I want to be the person that a little one comes running to, their hero, their best friend, their mommy. I want to comfort, hold, play, smile, cry, giggle, and sleep with my own.
But reality check L, you can wait. And until the time is right and until God gives you that little miracle of your own, you can just spoil everyone elses. You are The aunt to Cameron and Aubree. So your time will come. Just enjoy the little ones you have now in your life.
Much Love,
Future mommy L

Monday, September 22, 2008


Ok, it's official I'm a slacker when it comes to blogging. Hmm... I should really try and be better at it.
Well anywho, I do have to say that I am pumped for the Grey's to start this week. I can't wait. It will be a good season indeed.
Also, I will admit that I am one of those obsessive freaks about the Twilight series and I can't wait for the movie to come out. WOO HOO. I know I am a lil crazy about it. I just hope they make it as good as the book.
So ya. Not much has really happened lately. Same ol same ol. I have committed to a strict workout scheldule! I will succeed and the warm, comfy, cozy bed will not win when the alarm goes off to tell me to go to the gym. Bright and early.
Well I will try and be better at blogging, I promise. But I'm going to pop a movie in and most likely fall asleep in the first 30 min.
Much love,

Thursday, August 7, 2008

I gotta job...oh yeah!

Well, I didn't get the office job I was wanting. :( But I did get the salon job!! Woo hoo. Still part time, which is totally ok with me! I will however still be looking for another good office job so that I can actually support myself without worry every month if I'm going to make bills.

This past weekend I helped my sister move into her wonderful apartment. It was quite exhausting if I do say so, but not bad. We painted this amour thing on Sunday... come to find out its still not dry and peeling. UHHH!!! That thing took for ever and now its not even drying. What to do. I think we will probably end up spray painting it, which actually shouldn't take as long as painting it with a brush. Let me remind you, it took 10 1/2 hours to paint, and it's freaking peeling. WONDERFUL ! Oh well. (stupid amour)

Chuck's aunt and her husband are coming into town tomorrow from St. Louis so I will be busy the next few days. I'm really excited that they are coming. I love his family. They're actually normal, unlike mine. Lol. We will probably go to the fair a couple days which will be nice since the weather isn't supposed to be too hot. Thank goodness.

Oh yeah, my friend Ashlee is having a girl!!! Her name is Aubree. I can't wait to spoil her. She is going to be amazing, I am sure. And my cousin is having a boy! She thinks she might name him Carter, not for sure yet though. But yeah for babies! I can't wait to meet them both.

Well, that is it for now. Time for bed. More soon.
Much love,

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Yeah Me!

Well I'll admit it. I have been really slacking on blogging. Just been busy lately, no excuse I know.
Here is a little update. On the 22nd I finally turned 21. Woo Hoo go me. It was exciting. I had a lot of fun hanging out with my friends and family. All the people I love the most was there to help celebrate! I am very grateful for the them all.
So I have had a few interviews. Still jobless but things are coming around. I had two interviews at a salon that I really like. On Monday I had to do a demo haircut and style on a friend. It went pretty well if I do say so myself. The manager said she would give me a call this week so hopefully she will report back with good news. However it is only part time but that is ok with me. It will help me build my clientèle and perfect my skills, or at least sharpen them. It's an industry where everything changes everyday so you will always be learning a new technique or what not.
Also, my sister found a good office job for me too. Hopefully I get it. It's full time so I will actually have a steady income instead of living on the hairstylist check all the time. But it's an amazing place to work and I have only heard good things about it. So if I get it (pray that I do) I will be one crazy busy cookie. I'll do my office job full time during the day and work nights and weekends at the salon. Say hello to no life what so ever. Don't worry though I have been use to this schedule since I was 15 waitressing. So I think I'll manage, I hope I'll manage. It just feels nice that these opportunities have come up. My life, I feel like has been turning around and actually falling in to place for once. I like it.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Breakfast for Dinner... Yes Please!

Well I just got home not to long ago. Hungry... So I look in the wonderful rectangular box known as the fridge. What do I find? Oh nothing for dinner... But breakfast food. Oh ya. Eggs, bacon, toast, and milk. Yummy! So who cares if it was 7:30 pm and I had breakfast for dinner? It put a lil spice in today.
So today I thought I should probably call my mom. Haven't talked to her in awhile. Why you may ask? Oh we don't have the best of relationships and quite frankly she can drive me up a wall. But today I was kinda feeling bad that we hadn't done anything in awhile so I give her a ring. We talked for awhile on the phone, caught up on things. Well caught up on things as in I didn't tell her everything I would normally tell anyone else. But oh well. So we ended up at Gateway Market and had lunch and to my surprise it actually went well. No arguing, no rolling of the eyes, no "were is the closet exit sign j.i.c. she freaks out," it was actually just nice. I wish it could always be like that, but she has her days.
Than I went to my grandparents and went through my clothes cause we're having a garage sale this weekend. It made me sad that I actually used to be able to fit in half of them.... eh. But I will fit in to them again, someday. Hopefully soon. Is it lazy of me that after having no life for 12 yrs because of playing sports so much that now I always find excuses not to go to the gym? Ok, Ok, Yes it is lazy of me, but I'm getting back into the routine of the "E" word my "Finey" would say, exercise. And I will be skinny again... healthy skinny! :]
After that I went with my sister to the mall. Good thing: I didn't buy one thing!!! My boyfriend would be sooo proud. But it was fun, just hanging out with her. She is one amazing person and we always have a good time even if it entails going and paying the Von Maur bill.
Speaking of sister.... I am so happy for her. She is moving into her own place soon. Im actually jealous. Wish I could afford to live with her... but no job, means no money for rent. :[ But I'm sure I'll be over to visit quite often! She is a hard worker and deserves nice things! So I hope she enjoys it and has fun. "Favorite things" party coming soon maybe? On a lil bigger budget? I'm in!


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Yep Yep

So here I am, again. Staying up way to late and on the computer. I haven't written lately because I have been so busy running around and doing many things. Craziness.
So update on the job status...none. I do however have an interview on Friday. Hopefully it will go well. It is only part time, but the manager said there is a chance I will be able to get full time in a little while. Which I guess is fine, part time is better than no time.
Me and Chuck went to St. Louis for the 4th of July and had a blast. We hung out with his family most of the time, which is a lot of fun. He has an amazing family. They always ask when were moving down there. :] One of the days I did hair for 8 hrs or so on most of his family. We also went to Grants Farm and the AB Brewery. (we usually always go there, free beer!) But each time we go visit St. Louis we always try and go do something new. We both absolutely love it there. A lot to do and see.
We also just got back yesterday from the farm. We go down there a lot too. It was nice. Hot and humid, and a bunch of tics. I don't do well with ticks. That's why I love going there when it's not tick season :] It was relaxing though, we fished and just hung out with his gramps and Riley.
Well, I am going to go. I figured I should just write for a little bit. Oh I'll put some pics up next time from the 4th. Haven't uploaded them yet :[ Wish me luck at my interview and I will write more soon!!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Hey Girl Hey

Hey it's me Lindsee, You can call me L. So what do I say to start my new blog? Hmm...I don't want to be boring. Idk. Well, I am finally done with school, jobless. However looking. I guess not really looking as hard as I probably could. I'm enjoying this time off that I have. Not enjoying getting low on cash. Heh. But it's nice having a break considering the fact I haven't had more than 2 days off in a row in the past oh... 2 years or so. So give me a break when it's been 2 months today since I graduated college. I guess I should probably go drop off my resume at some salons tomorrow huh. We'll see.
What else, Oh. I am in a serious relationship with the best man I could have ever asked for. His name is Charles, I call him Chuck. Most people call him Chuck actually. We have been together for 2 years now and things are great. We've lived together for the past year and it's great. (well except for the fact he doesn't know how to use a laundry basket, all his clothes end up on the floor next to it! :]) He works a lot though, but it's OK. We somehow still manage to make time for us, so it's good. He decided to go to college this fall, I hope he does well. He has been wanting to go to school for awhile. He is thinking about criminal justice. He wants to be a cop. Which I think he would be amazing at. He is so in tune with all that stuff.

We do have a dog. Her name is Riley. She is a bundle, very hyper, always on the go. Burring random toys and things around the house, outside. It's funny when you sit down and she just looks at you like, "um your sitting on my bone, which is under the cushion." She is very intelligent though, you can't out smart her at all. She is a 70 pound boxer/weimaraner mix who thinks she is a lap dog. Well, doesn't think she is, she just is. She has the biggest jowls ever! Even though she has chewed up and ruined many things of ours we still love her a lot.

I do have an amazing group of friends. I absolutely love them. My sister Nikki is amazing. We have become quite close in the past few years. She is my person. My best friend Meaghan and I have been friends for 1o years now. She is a great person, sometimes I wonder what the hell she is doing but I always support her. Ashlee is my other best friend, we we're roommates in college and had a blast. I've gone to school with her since kindergarten. Ha pictures are really funny to look at. She is a very smart person and will do well. I do miss living with her but we still talk & see each other a lot!

Well, I hope that wasn't too boring but I figured I'd tell ya some things about me and my life so when things come up you can kinda have an idea of what or who I'm talking about. Don't have to much to say other than I should really get to bed.
Much love,